Home > Travelogue > Take a Step Back in Time at Old Fashioned Plow Day in Antigo

Take a Step Back in Time at Old Fashioned Plow Day in Antigo

old fashioned plow day

Members of the Northwoods Tractor Club aren’t ready to let the early days of farming fade away. Each year, they set aside a day to show off the mechanical workhorses of yesterday—innovative machines that were the technological leaders of that era.

Old Fashioned Plow Day is just a bushel basket of fun for the family. Upwards of 2,000 people show up for this event, said one of the organizers. This year’s event will be on Saturday, May 1. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine.

The event will showcase dozens of working antique tractors, old machinery displays, barrel train rides for the kids, petting zoo, live music, raffles, and drawings. There will be tractors plowing, antique engine demonstrations and displays, chainsaw carver demonstrations, and a tractor parade at noon featuring an Allis-Chalmers model.

“[Allis-Chalmers] was one of the pioneers of the Industrial Age in America and around the globe,” according to the American Business History Center. “Allis-Chalmers built the engines that ran our factories: in 1900, they were perhaps the largest maker of steam engines in the world. Over time, they expanded into almost every type of engine and machine. The Wisconsin-based company made everything from giant turbines for power plants to the more familiar orange farm tractors.”

Don’t worry about packing lunch, as they will have brats and burgers and refreshments on the grounds. The event will be held at the Polar Recreation & Ball Park, N2760 County Highway S, 2.75 miles south of Highway 64, east of Antigo.

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