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Three March Events for Wildlife Lovers

You know what they say about March: in like a lion and out like a lamb. And in northern and central Wisconsin, it’s all about birds and butterflies in between. This week, Up North, we’re already hearing more birds chattering away each morning. And we’re seeing more deer boldly darting across the highways each evening, too. As we eagerly await the return of spring and all the spectacular flora and fauna of the region, it’s a perfect time to tune into nature through educational and fundraising events. You’ll have your pick of three such events to choose from next Saturday, March 14.
Soar into Spring
NorthStar Lanes – Antigo
The Raptor Education Group, Inc., and the Antigo Veterinary Clinic will be co-hosting a fundraiser for Raptor Education Group, Inc. (REGI), to be held at NorthStar Lanes from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 14. There will be raffles, snacks, children’s activities, and live birds! Have fun as you learn about REGI. For more information, see the event page on Facebook.
How to Successfully Raise & Release Monarch Butterflies
Wild Birds Unlimited – Wausau
Did you know that March 14 is International Learn About Butterflies Day? This event, a free in-store seminar, is the perfect way to celebrate. Cheryl Kurtzweil, who has been raising and releasing butterflies at her property for five years (totaling well over 1,000 monarchs during that time), will be sharing information about how to help the butterfly populations succeed in your own yard. As seating is limited for this event, please register by emailing wbuwausaujen@gmail.com or by calling (715) 298-3140.
Owl Prowl and Night Hike
MECCA Trail System – Mercer
Join one of North Lakeland Discovery Center’s naturalists for a night hike! Begin the evening by learning about owl adaptations, and then travel to Mercer’s MECCA Trail System to listen and search for these ever-elusive creatures. As there are limited spots available, please register by March 13. This program is sponsored by the MECCA Ski Club and the SISU Ski Fest. It is free to registered participants. For more information, visit discoverycenter.net.
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